Tuesday, December 24, 2019

What Are the Differences and Similarities Between Marxs...

Essay: What are the differences and similarities between Marxs and Webers understandings of capitalist society? Introduction Karl Marx (1818-1883) and Max Weber (1864-1920) are two remarkable founding fathers of Sociology. Both of them spent huge effort to study the rise of capitalist society. Marx created conflict theory paradigm called Marxism while Weber inspired the symbolic interactionism, both paradigm are still influential nowaday. This paper would try to discuss the differences and similarities of their understanding of the historical development of capitalist society; their view on social stratification on capitalist society and their understanding on the operation and future prediction of the capitalist society in three†¦show more content†¦In short, the methodology of Marx and Weber adopted to analysis the development of capitalist society is different. Both of them may share some similarity in the sense that they included economic condition as a factor, but the differ in the sense that Marx believe in historical materialism and argue that class relation of production is the sole determ inant of the society; Weber, on the opposite, reject Marxs idea of economic determinism and argued that the development of capitalist society is explain by combination of unique and contingent events, such as the religion reformation of catholic church to protestant church, also led to the change in peoples economic orientation and thus the development of capitalist society. Such a division in methodology is important to our understanding of their different understanding of the theory of the stratification of class, an important concept in the understanding of capitalist society. Understanding of the stratification of capitalist society Class is an analytical framework introduced by sociologists. Marx and Weber shared a similar definition towards it. In the broadest sense, class is a category classifying people with similar economic situations. For Marx, class is determinate by the ownership and control of means of production and for Weber, class is determined by the life chances inShow MoreRelatedWhat Are the Differences and Similarities Between Marxs and Webers Understandings of Capitalist Society?2948 Words   |  12 PagesEssay: What are the differences and similarities between Marxs and Webers understandings of capitalist society? Introduction Karl Marx (1818-1883) and Max Weber (1864-1920) are two remarkable founding fathers of Sociology. Both of them spent huge effort to study the rise of capitalist society. Marx created conflict theory paradigm called Marxism while Weber inspired the symbolic interactionism, both paradigm are still influential nowaday. This paper would try to discuss the differences and similaritiesRead MoreSimilarities Between Weber s And Foucault s Relations Of Power And Dominance1764 Words   |  8 Pagesare somewhat of similarities between Weber’s and Foucault’s relations of power and dominance, how they evaluate the concepts separately and the ways these concepts are practiced in society, can be distinguished differently. Webber appears to occupy the polar opposite with the respect to his claims of how power becomes existent with bureaucratic instruments and bureaucracy itself, Foucault argues that the power relations are everywhere in society and with expansive elements; society has no option butRead MoreThe Social Theory Of Sociology1525 Words   |  7 Pagesfuture generations. The definition of sociology is the methodical study of various societies. These societies are thus the sum of all individuals from small clusters to complex social organizations. Sociology studies societies with a scientific perspective, in order to achieve knowledge concerning human society and ways to attain progress within it. This means that sociology helps improve peoples’ comprehension of society as a whole, therefore increasing the power of social action. However, social actionRead MoreWho Are Sociologists And What Influences They Have Had?1079 Words   |  5 PagesWho are sociologists and what influences they have had? In this paper, we will discuss four sociologists: Karl Marx, Max Weber, Emile Durkheim and George Mead. They are all well-known and influential thinkers of their time who have greatly contributed to the current sociological approaches and studies. They d iffer in their theories, but all of them have a common goal to uncover the structural and social foundation of the society. What is society? How does it function? What drives the societal changeRead MoreKarl Marx And Max Weber On Social Class2038 Words   |  9 PagesTo start of my essay I will compare and contrast between the two theories of Karl Marx and Max Weber on the topic of social class that will be discussed widely. The inequality between people is the basis of the democratic system, which is â€Å"a political system†. It is said that â€Å"those who have the skills and abilities to perform and produce will succeed in life.† But this belief is the assumption that all people are given equal opportunities and advantages. During the 19th century Karl Marx and MaxRead MoreMarx s Theory Of Capitalism1951 Words   |  8 PagesThis assignment will be about Marx’s and Weber’s theory of capitalism and how it causes crime and deviance, it will also conta in information about each Karl Marx’s and Max Weber’s theories, they both had some similarities where they agreed on some aspects of the rise of modern capitalism in the western world but they each also have some unique ideas on the topic. I will also explain how capitalism can have a cause on crime and deviance. Marx’s believed that the rise of the capitalism was found inRead MoreSociology - Class1826 Words   |  8 PagesMajor Essay Critically evaluate both Karl Marx’s and Max Weber’s theories of social class. How do these theories contribute, if at all, to an understanding of the class structure of Australian society? It is important for us to understand how our society became what it is today, thus understanding how we interact with each other and what affect an individual’s social class status has on their life chances, employment, social interaction and other key factors that will affect their life. ThereRead MoreMarx, Durkheim, Weber and Simmel on the Development of Capitalist Society and the Demise of Individualism3246 Words   |  13 PagesMarx, Durkheim, Weber and Simmel on the Development of Capitalist Society and the Demise of Individualism Theorists began to recognize capitalism as pre-industrial society developed economically and major social changes began to occur. Modernization resulted in industrialization, urbanization and bureaucratization as the workplace shifted from the home to the factory, people moved from farms into cities where jobs were more readily available and large-scale formal organizations emerged. ClassicalRead MoreThe Development Of Classical Sociological Theory On The Enlightenment And The Emerging Conditions Of Industrial Civilization3033 Words   |  13 Pagesconsequences.† Classical theorists often defined the world they were living in, and what they expected to emerge, in the realm of sociology along with what is currently happening in today’s society. Along with this, theorists came to determine [or hypothesize] what the next years will be or what will become from the seemingly imperfect world. Karl Marx, Max Weber, Emile Durkheim, and Georg Simmel, although having differences in opinion, based on different times and ‘awareness’, focused on concern forRead Moresociology4813 Words   |  20 Pagesï » ¿discuss the attributional and interactional approches to caste. caste† has been widely used to describe ranked groups within rigid systems of social stratification and especially those which constitute the society of Hindu India.   the attributional approach to caste deals with its inherent qualities and features that identifies the whole caste system. hence every caste share these attributes as a part of their identity. attributional approach also tells us about the major features of the cates What Are the Differences and Similarities Between Marxs... Essay: What are the differences and similarities between Marxs and Webers understandings of capitalist society? Introduction Karl Marx (1818-1883) and Max Weber (1864-1920) are two remarkable founding fathers of Sociology. Both of them spent huge effort to study the rise of capitalist society. Marx created conflict theory paradigm called Marxism while Weber inspired the symbolic interactionism, both paradigm are still influential nowaday. This paper would try to discuss the differences and similarities of their understanding of the historical development of capitalist society; their view on social stratification on capitalist society and their understanding on the operation and future prediction of the capitalist society in three parts.†¦show more content†¦In short, Marx maintained the capitalist society will stratified by the polarization of two conflicting classes, according to the different in ownership of means of production. In the opposite, Weber rejected the economic determinism of Marxism in the understanding of the stratification of the modern capitalist society. For Weber, the capitalist society is stratified in a two different ways from the Marxist description: On the one hand, the class differentiation is not classified merely by the ownership of means of production. According to Weber, class interest not as a given historical attribute to workers and capitalist, but is an ‘average interests’ of different individuals sharing similar market situation and ‘life chance’. Such ‘life chance’ is defined by the capacity of the individual to create utility and exchange value in the market by the utilization of their property. Therefore, class situation of the propertied is not merely defined by the ownership of means of production, but also returns on investment and rental income, which Marx doesnt take into account; for the class situation of the property-less, peop le is also fragmented by their differential possession of scarce skills, services and knowledge. Class interest is complex and fragmented.Show MoreRelatedWhat Are the Differences and Similarities Between Marxs and Webers Understandings of Capitalist Society?2939 Words   |  12 PagesEssay: What are the differences and similarities between Marxs and Webers understandings of capitalist society? Introduction Karl Marx (1818-1883) and Max Weber (1864-1920) are two remarkable founding fathers of Sociology. Both of them spent huge effort to study the rise of capitalist society. Marx created conflict theory paradigm called Marxism while Weber inspired the symbolic interactionism, both paradigm are still influential nowaday. This paper would try to discuss the differences and similaritiesRead MoreSimilarities Between Weber s And Foucault s Relations Of Power And Dominance1764 Words   |  8 Pagesare somewhat of similarities between Weber’s and Foucault’s relations of power and dominance, how they evaluate the concepts separately and the ways these concepts are practiced in society, can be distinguished differently. Webber appears to occupy the polar opposite with the respect to his claims of how power becomes existent with bureaucratic instruments and bureaucracy itself, Foucault argues that the power relations are everywhere in society and with expansive elements; society has no option butRead MoreThe Social Theory Of Sociology1525 Words   |  7 Pagesfuture generations. The definition of sociology is the methodical study of various societies. These societies are thus the sum of all individuals from small clusters to complex social organizations. Sociology studies societies with a scientific perspective, in order to achieve knowledge concerning human society and ways to attain progress within it. This means that sociology helps improve peoples’ comprehension of society as a whole, therefore increasing the power of social action. However, social actionRead MoreWho Are Sociologists And What Influences They Have Had?1079 Words   |  5 PagesWho are sociologists and what influences they have had? In this paper, we will discuss four sociologists: Karl Marx, Max Weber, Emile Durkheim and George Mead. They are all well-known and influential thinkers of their time who have greatly contributed to the current sociological approaches and studies. They d iffer in their theories, but all of them have a common goal to uncover the structural and social foundation of the society. What is society? How does it function? What drives the societal changeRead MoreKarl Marx And Max Weber On Social Class2038 Words   |  9 PagesTo start of my essay I will compare and contrast between the two theories of Karl Marx and Max Weber on the topic of social class that will be discussed widely. The inequality between people is the basis of the democratic system, which is â€Å"a political system†. It is said that â€Å"those who have the skills and abilities to perform and produce will succeed in life.† But this belief is the assumption that all people are given equal opportunities and advantages. During the 19th century Karl Marx and MaxRead MoreMarx s Theory Of Capitalism1951 Words   |  8 PagesThis assignment will be about Marx’s and Weber’s theory of capitalism and how it causes crime and deviance, it will also conta in information about each Karl Marx’s and Max Weber’s theories, they both had some similarities where they agreed on some aspects of the rise of modern capitalism in the western world but they each also have some unique ideas on the topic. I will also explain how capitalism can have a cause on crime and deviance. Marx’s believed that the rise of the capitalism was found inRead MoreSociology - Class1826 Words   |  8 PagesMajor Essay Critically evaluate both Karl Marx’s and Max Weber’s theories of social class. How do these theories contribute, if at all, to an understanding of the class structure of Australian society? It is important for us to understand how our society became what it is today, thus understanding how we interact with each other and what affect an individual’s social class status has on their life chances, employment, social interaction and other key factors that will affect their life. ThereRead MoreMarx, Durkheim, Weber and Simmel on the Development of Capitalist Society and the Demise of Individualism3246 Words   |  13 PagesMarx, Durkheim, Weber and Simmel on the Development of Capitalist Society and the Demise of Individualism Theorists began to recognize capitalism as pre-industrial society developed economically and major social changes began to occur. Modernization resulted in industrialization, urbanization and bureaucratization as the workplace shifted from the home to the factory, people moved from farms into cities where jobs were more readily available and large-scale formal organizations emerged. ClassicalRead MoreThe Development Of Classical Sociological Theory On The Enlightenment And The Emerging Conditions Of Industrial Civilization3033 Words   |  13 Pagesconsequences.† Classical theorists often defined the world they were living in, and what they expected to emerge, in the realm of sociology along with what is currently happening in today’s society. Along with this, theorists came to determine [or hypothesize] what the next years will be or what will become from the seemingly imperfect world. Karl Marx, Max Weber, Emile Durkheim, and Georg Simmel, although having differences in opinion, based on different times and ‘awareness’, focused on concern forRead Moresociology4813 Words   |  20 Pagesï » ¿discuss the attributional and interactional approches to caste. caste† has been widely used to describe ranked groups within rigid systems of social stratification and especially those which constitute the society of Hindu India.   the attributional approach to caste deals with its inherent qualities and features that identifies the whole caste system. hence every caste share these attributes as a part of their identity. attributional approach also tells us about the major features of the cates

Monday, December 16, 2019

The pursuit of one’s goals Free Essays

The pursuit of one’s goals and dreams are journeys that oftentimes take a lifetime to accomplish.   There are those who reach the end of their lives not accomplishing what they wanted to do because they were either too intimidated by the prospect of even embarking on such a quest or they did not have the right opportunities in life. I have been working for eight (8) years and during that time I have had plenty of time to see my career develop as my life passed by. We will write a custom essay sample on The pursuit of one’s goals or any similar topic only for you Order Now    Yet, there comes a certain point in one’s life when one must make a firm decision, a commitment to something much more than one’s own personal goals.   Oftentimes, this means sacrificing one for the other. There are those, however, who are lucky enough to have their own personal goals and that pursuit for higher objectives converge.   For me, this is the pursuit of a career in nursing. I have always wanted to help change the world.   As a child, I believed that if everyone did their own little part in taking that extra step to help others, the world would be a much better place for everyone. The stark reality of it all hit me not long after that but it did not lessen my resolve.   I figured that if so many people I knew did not want to do their part in changing the world then I would probably have to do their share.   This is where my motivation to pursue nursing comes from; the drive to go the extra mile just to make a difference in this world. I see my goal in life as similar to that of Nurse Leader Mary Breckenridge in that I understand that nursing plays a very important role in the world today.   There are few jobs and professions that are as rewarding as nursing.   While other jobs may get more publicity, the role that nurses play in the health care industry is highly valued and appreciated. My desire to be a nurse has to do with the fact that nursing is one of the ways by which I am able to do something that I really want to do in my life and that is to care and help other people.   More importantly, I greatly feel that by taking up Nursing I will be able to proceed with my plans in life. The decision to pursue a career in nursing is not something that just occurred overnight.   Instead, it is the result of an active commitment to being able to carry out my passions in life.   The human involvement that is critical in nursing makes it the ideal profession for me. The remunerations that one can receive from being a nurse are only secondary to the feeling of fulfillment from knowing that one was able to provide support to those in need.   These experiences that I took with me during my time in the hospital shaped my future and opened my eyes to the benefits that a career in nursing can provide. As the world continues to change and the workplace becomes more and more challenging and competitive, it becomes imperative for anyone looking for a successful career to not only have the drive to succeed but also the training and expertise to do so. I am not saying that I do not have the training and expertise at the moment but I do believe that there is still room for more.   That is why I strongly feel that nursing is the profession for me because it not only allows me to become what I want to be but it also allows me to become who I want to be in life. My previous experiences as a certified nursing assistant and psych counselor have served well to prepare me for what lies ahead.   It has made me realize that what I really want to do in life is to help other people and become an excellent nurse.   I know that I can do more to further this goal by entering a registered nurse program and by getting the training that I need.   Ã‚  However, I feel that this is the crucial step that will herald my success in this profession. With all of the technological advancements in health care that have indeed raised the standard of health care being provided in the United States, there are a few intangible factors that can never be replaced.   I see my future role, as a member of the nursing profession, as being able to develop these intangibles.   One important example is the special type of manner by which a nurse must conduct herself in order to be effective in performing her task. The bedside manners are very important and it is something that just cannot be taught in classrooms.   Nurses need to be more than just machines that come in and punch in their time cards but rather professional registered nurses who show their passion and dedication to the profession through their approach and practice. With this role in mind, I feel that I am not only prepared to take on the challenges of pursuing a career in nursing but that I also have the proper mindset for this type of career. How to cite The pursuit of one’s goals, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Cellphones Is An Expert At Distracted Driving Essay Example For Students

Cellphones Is An Expert At Distracted Driving Essay â€Å"No One is an Expert at Distracted Driving.† The cellphone (smartphone) has forever changed the world in which we live in and the way we view life today. It’s often the first thing we see when we wake up and the last item we see before we go to bed. It doesn’t matter where we are or whom we’re with, our cellphones are always with us. Cellphones have created a world where it is impossible to envision a world without them. We use our cellphones to help us navigate our roads and highways, report traffic accidents and public disturbances, conduct business and stay connected to family, friends an colleagues at any given time. There are so many advantages to owning a cellphone; however driving while using one isn’t one of them. According to the National Safety Council, cellphone use while driving leads to 1.6 million crashes each year and nearly 330,000 injuries a year from accidents caused by texting (Statistics, n.d., p. 1). As of the time of this report only fourteen states within the U.S. have banned the use of hand-held cellphones while driving, whereas forty-six states have banned texting while driving. While no state has unconditionally banned the use of cellphones for all drivers, thirty-eight states, including the District of Columbia have at least banned its use by novice drivers (Governors Highway Safety Association , 2015, p. 1). While it appears that many states have different interpretations of the laws governing the use of mobile devices while driving, statistics clearly suggest that the laws governing the use of cellphones while driving needs to be standardized to include a nationwide ban on cellphone usage while driving. Many drivers believe that they multitask between driving and talking on their cellphones, however the reality is that they can’t. Driving and talking on a cellphone are two distinct thinking tasks. So instead of processing both simultaneously, the brain rapidly swit ches between two cognitive activities (National Safety Council , n.d., p. 1). So clearly, â€Å"No One is an Expert at Distracted Driving.† Outline1 History2 Problem One3 Problem two4 Problem Three History As the cellphone industry continues to grow and cellphones become more advanced, so does the problems associated with using them while driving a motor vehicle. Technology plays a large role in Americans’ lives, as is clear by the number of individuals who now own cellphones. The low cost of ownership and ease of portability has cause cellphone sales to grow exponentially. Each year the cellphone industry grows larger, with its estimated total customers reaching over 270 million just in the United States. Not only has the number of Americans using cellphones significantly increased in recent years, but the number of cellphone users utilizing the text message feature on their phones increased by approximately 160 percent. Today’s cellphones have many features and almost unlimited capabilities. One of the biggest advances in cellphone technology was its ability to connect it to the Internet. This capability alone, single-handedly redefined what the cellphone would ultimately become, and helped to usher in our unhealthy obsession with the device. Unfortunately this increase in functionality created more distractions for the user. At any given time throughout the day, approximately 660,000 drivers are attempting to use their phones while behind the wheel of an automobile (Statistics, n.d., p. 1). The National Safety Council estimates that 80% of Americans admit to using cellphones, and 20% admit to texting, while driving. That amounts to nearly 100 million drivers. Drivers using handheld devices are four times more likely to be involved in a car crash serious enough to cause injury. This causes a serious risk to the public. .u2beb9e9e53ac27f7a3f115a5d9817179 , .u2beb9e9e53ac27f7a3f115a5d9817179 .postImageUrl , .u2beb9e9e53ac27f7a3f115a5d9817179 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u2beb9e9e53ac27f7a3f115a5d9817179 , .u2beb9e9e53ac27f7a3f115a5d9817179:hover , .u2beb9e9e53ac27f7a3f115a5d9817179:visited , .u2beb9e9e53ac27f7a3f115a5d9817179:active { border:0!important; } .u2beb9e9e53ac27f7a3f115a5d9817179 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u2beb9e9e53ac27f7a3f115a5d9817179 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u2beb9e9e53ac27f7a3f115a5d9817179:active , .u2beb9e9e53ac27f7a3f115a5d9817179:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u2beb9e9e53ac27f7a3f115a5d9817179 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u2beb9e9e53ac27f7a3f115a5d9817179 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u2beb9e9e53ac27f7a3f115a5d9817179 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u2beb9e9e53ac27f7a3f115a5d9817179 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u2beb9e9e53ac27f7a3f115a5d9817179:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u2beb9e9e53ac27f7a3f115a5d9817179 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u2beb9e9e53ac27f7a3f115a5d9817179 .u2beb9e9e53ac27f7a3f115a5d9817179-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u2beb9e9e53ac27f7a3f115a5d9817179:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Dangers of Texting While Driving EssayProblem One Driving while using a cellphone has been compared to Driving Under the Influence (DUI) or Driving While Intoxicated (DWI). Drivers who have a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level of 0.08 or higher are prosecuted to the full extent of the law. It should also be noted that the impaired driver is eleven times more likely to be involved in a car accident while intoxicated. According to studies a driver that is texting or talking on the phone while driving is twenty-three times as likely to be involved in a car accident (Institute for Public Policy Studies University of Denver, 2014, p. 9). So it appears that drivers who drive while distracted by a cellphone are twice as likely to be involved in an accident as drunk drivers. In all states, first-offense DUI or DWI is classified as a misdemeanor, and punishable by up to six months in jail. Subsequent offenses often result in jail sentences of several months to a year and for a DUI or DWI that s been classified as a felony either becaus e the driver killed or injured someone or because it s the driver s third or fourth DUI jail sentences of several years are not uncommon. Why shouldn’t this type of punishment include drivers arrested for driving while talking on a cellphone or texting? Problem two Text messaging has become a serious distraction to the average driver. According the Nation Highway Traffic Safety Administration, â€Å"Eleven percent of driver’s aged 18 to 20 who were involved in an automobile accident and survived admitted they were sending or receiving texts when they crashed (Federal Communications Commission , n.d., p. 1).† 44 states have banned texting while driving. According to the Don’t Text and Drive website, â€Å"those who drive while reading or sending a text message are 23 percent more likely to be involved in a car crash than someone who does not† (Parkview Trauma Centers, n.d., p. 1). I don’t understand why anyone would risk it. We all know that driving while texting or driving while distracted is dangerous, yet we do anyhow. Why are we playing Russian roulette with our lives? A crash typically occurs an average of three to five seconds after a driver becomes distracted. Nearly 2 out of 10 drivers (18%) report that they have sent text messages or e-mails while driving. More than half believe that using a cellphone to send text messages or e-mails won’t affect their driving performance (Tison, Chaudhary, Cosgrove, 2011, p. i), however drivers who are distracted for only 5 seconds, traveling in a car at 55 mph will travel a distance of 360 feet or the equivalent of a football field before they realized they’re distracted. Imagine what could happen in that amount of time or distance? You wouldn’t know what happened until AFTER it happened! In 2012 over 3,092 people were killed from texting and driving! 87% of teens think that driving and texting is dangerous. Yet 80% of teenage girls and 58% of teenage boys admitted to texting and driving! Texting while driving can kill (Lott, 2012). Problem Three No one is taking enforcement of the law seriously. Only 14 states have a ban on hand-held cellphones, and even thought 46 states have a ban on texting while driving, no state bans all cellphones for all drivers (Governors Highway Safety Association , 2015, p. 1). However, even with that said, we still need enforcement of the current bans in place. Matt Sedensky, of the Huffington Post (2011, p1) writes that the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) not only wants to ban the use of hand-held cellphones while driving, but hands-free devices as well. However, according to law enforcement, â€Å"it would be nearly impossible to determine if someone was talking on a phone or exercising their vocal cords,† says Capt. Donald Melanson of the West Hartford, Conn., Police Department. (Sedensky, 2011, p. 1). Drivers who wearing a hand-free device could appear to be talking on the phone, but could actually be talking to passengers in the vehicle. There are simply to many variables i n play. If the NTSBs recommendation is adopted how will it address the following like chauffeurs and traveling salesmen, or Amber or Silver alerts where the public is asked to report specific vehicles if they are spotted. What about those, â€Å"How is my Driving† bumper stickers that are plastered on the back of most business vehicles? Federal and local agencies have a daunting task ahead of them. To create enforceable laws that not only address safety concerns but is flexible enough that the public doesn’t ignore them altogether (Sedensky, 2011, p. 1).

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Managing Process and Projects in ANLG

Introduction The banking industry is just part of the much larger financial services market. Like all large retail banks, ANLG has had the task of improving the performance of its operational processes which are responsible for generating and providing the bank’s services.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Managing Process and Projects in ANLG specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This has had to be achieved while at the same time keeping some factors constant; the service delivery to the banking clientele remaining top notch and the costs incurred in the process kept to a minimal. In looking at this particular case of ANLG, the entire operational process yields both inputs and outputs which are based on the various activities involved in the process. The operational process is basically a link between inputs, outputs and resources and how the various activities involved transform the inputs into outputs. The sub ject of managing processes and projects basically looks into a system which is made up of various processes. In each process, inputs are transformed into outputs and all this involves planning and designing the production, the actual production of the item in question, delivery and all support variables, all which translate into the success of the objectives being met. The core functions are the development of the services and products that will be the outputs of the operational processes, the operations involved in the entire process as well as the marketing function which is somehow a subsidiary factor in the entire operation process. Support functions include the accounting and finance aspect, the technical factor, human resources function which looks at personnel or staff, and the function that relates to acquiring any relevant information to the given process. These are just a few examples which will vary with each operational process. Operational Processes The Call Centre Depa rtment This is a department run by the Call Centre Manager and its main operations are cantered on dealing with customer service enquiries which are basically requests for information on products or services that they need clarification on.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The calls received by the Call Centre Agents many times overwhelm them during the day and this is mainly because these are the operational hours for the banks. At night, not many people will think of making enquiries. The customers will want information on loans, their debit cards, various accounts operated by the bank and any services the bank may be providing (Ackoff). Fig. 1: Showing the operational processes in the Call Centre Department Facilities and staff are the major resources that are classified as inputs. In this case we have the call centre manager who manages and plans for the centre, the call centre agents who operate the calls, and equipment used to handle the calls such as the telephones and computers. The operator receives the call from the customer and first captures the caller’s details which may include, but are not limited to the customer’s name, customer’s account number if they have an account with the bank, their address and contacts. The queries presented by the customer are then entered into the system. Depending on what subject the caller wanted information on, they are given a feedback and in case the agent can’t provide satisfactory answers, they are rerouted to a more qualified person to handle the call, or are told to hold the line as their request is processed. For some cases, the Call Centre agent may have to call the customer back at a later time. Deliverables include providing the customer with answers to their enquiries and feeding the system with any information that may need to be looked into so as to improve the servi ce delivery (Davenport).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Managing Process and Projects in ANLG specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Limitations The Call Centre Manager can clearly view all the calls being received by the operators and those that are yet to be received. Any customer calling continuously for a given amount of time will eventually give up if their calls are not answered and may assume they are being ignored. With a limited number of operators, not all calls can be attended to and this cuts down on the efficiency of the department in satisfying their callers. Some of the callers fail to have their queries answered while others will probably receive unsatisfactory replies because the operators are trying to attend to the large number of callers. At night the exact opposite scenario is played. Operators are practically redundant with hardly any calls being received (Deming). Filling in any vacancies in th is department is no mean feat. It is both time and resource consuming. An operator has to have knowledge of the banking operations and should be able to handle 15 simple banking enquiries. The entire recruitment process and training of the operator takes up to 8 weeks, and in the meantime the Call Centre strains the meagre staff and resources it has. Recommendations An automated system could be put in place to capture incoming calls where the callers would leave their details and queries so that they can be contacted at a later time. This way, the operators running the Call Centre in the night can make a follow up of these enquiries. Customers are left feeling happy and well attended to and definitely and the bank retains its clientele. The Personal Credit Control Department The Manager of this department is tasked with overseeing that the staffs attending to customers, who have surpassed their overdraft amounts, either bounce any cheques that may have been drawn or send a letter in forming the customer about the state of their account or transaction. This department only deals with individual accounts because those belonging to corporate entities need more interpretation. They are therefore handled by a different Fig. 2: Showing the operational processes in the Personal Credit Control DepartmentAdvertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Depositing cheques and drafts is actually a form of credit exchange. If the cheque drawn is valid, then the person whose name and details appear on the cheque is paid following instructions to the bank indicated on the cheque. When a draft is moved by authorization to a specific bank, it is deposited there and is equivalent to a cash deposit. In both cases, no actual money in the form of notes and or coins is used in the transactions so it is entirely of a credit nature. In the cases where the account against which the cheque is drawn has insufficient funds, the cheque bounces and as a result the bearer of the cheque is not credited. The department I thus tasked with informing them of the state of the transaction. Such a transaction is not detailed and involves very few components as opposed to dealing with corporate accounts which could have many transactions in one particular account (Jams hid). Limitations Having each line of business operation, in this case, personal credit con trol and corporate credit control running as separate entities means that the activities are not centralized. More resources are needed to effectively run each entity yet the outputs are similar. Without restructuring the back office operations, operating costs are exponentially increased. The same methodology of running the processes is employed in all processes and efficiency is reduced. Recommendations Most banking institution has developed into target retail institutions in as far as the operations of the bank are concerned. Many of the operations are centralized and are structured such that particular service centres have both shared functions and services. All operations run by the bank are part of this structure. As a result you will find that whether it is personal banking or corporate banking, they will all be part of the shared Services Centre. The only exemption probably might arise in cases where one service for example, personal banking has just been introduced. It may operate remotely for a period of time, but should be merged with other centralized operations within a given time frame. Another solution to having similar operations running with up to half the cost would be to manage operations, for example IT Operations, that sustain back office processes as a distinct and separate function that needs a separate structuring (Juran). The Voucher Processing Centre The centre is equipped with machines that translate cheques. The cheques are delivered to the centre from various branches of the same bank in a given location. Since the banks are closed during the weekend, Mondays, which mark the beginning of the business week, are quite hectic as they record a large number of deposits. The fact that the machines have such a big work load, they are likely to breakdown more often and this greatly affects the running of the centre. With fewer machines to work with, many customers’ transactions are left pending and this creates a backlog. Fig.3: Sho wing the operational processes in the Voucher Processing Centre Fig.4: Showing the additional operational processes in the Voucher Processing Centre The cheques are received and the information displayed on them is encoded or converted. The output which still comes in form of the processed cheques enables the relevant accounts to either be credited or debited. Limitations The inputs in this particular process are limited and this greatly affects the entire process because the transformation aspect is greatly restricted. The encoding machines are the main facility that runs the entire process, apart from the staff that operates them. Having even one machine down affects the outputs and as such customer feedback is not expected to be encouraging. Recommendations Another system apart from wholly relying on the voucher encoding machines should be introduced. This way, even if one of the machines breaks down, or even when the workload is large, the entire process is not affected. In th e end, the output is what matters, I this case, that the customers receive the services they expect. High Net worth Banking In some cases, it is also referred to as prestige banking. A service provided by the bank for its wealthy clientele who pay to have all the banking services offered at their beck and call. The bank therefore has to be extremely flexible to meet their demands. To give the entire aspect of High Net worth Banking, the personal touch it is characteristically defined by, particular banking personnel is assigned a number of accounts to attend to and this way gets familiar and â€Å"personal† with the customer, but maintains all the professionalism expected. Limitations Banking personnel just like any other employee will be required to have leave days or probably attend training sessions organized by the bank. In such cases, when a particular customer calls wanting the services of a particular agent who is either not in office, or engaged elsewhere, the â€Å" personal† factor is subject to being affected. Some customers may become adamant and even threaten to withdraw their accounts, citing that they are not getting their money’s worth. Other times, their demands may seem too much when they force their contacts within the bank to run all over the place to attend to them, be in at their homes or places of work. Recommendations Customers should be made to understand that the entire theme of personal banking means that the bank gives then extra attention, but maintains that any available personnel can attend to them. Two or even up to three people can be assigned to one particular account. This way the personal theme is not entirely corroded. The ‘4vs’ approach looks at four factors in the operational process and these are volume, variety, variation in demand and visibility. Looking at the above back office operations in terms of volume, the Call Centre is swapped with very many calls and each staff of the centre i s kept bust especially during the day when the volume of calls is highest. As a result there is a low unit cost in the department, higher systemization and high repeatability of processes which involve the calls received and the information exchanged. The Credit Control department specializes in cheques and drafts so their volume is only relevant to these two processes. It is relatively low and each staff member performs more as pertains to the task at hand and less to do with the entire system. As such there are higher unit costs. The voucher processing centre handles only cheques, but at a high volume and therefore experiences the same implications as the Call centre. The Prestige or â€Å"High Net worth’ subsidiary company experiences fewer customers, hence a fewer volume of operations. The implications are similar to the credit control department (Ludwig). With regard to variety, the call centre and voucher processing centre is more complex and flexible and as much as th ey may incur higher unit costs, they are able to meet customer demands. The credit control department and subsidiary company dealing with rich clients on the other hand both handle less in terms of variety. They experience well-defined routine, properly standardized procedures that are regular and all at low unit costs. Variation in demand in the call centre and voucher processing centre is dependent on the capacity that can be handled. This is also affected by the facilities in place and personnel available. One main advantage is that any changes in demand can be anticipated, though a downside is that it all comes at a high unit cost. The credit control department and subsidiary company dealing with rich clients on the other hand, experience a stable schedule of events, high use of available resources, resulting to low unit costs. Visibility focuses on the outputs of each process. There is a very short time frame between requesting of services or products and when they are expected to be delivered and this causes a short tolerance in relation to what is expected. In the call centre and ‘high net worth† company, contentment by the customer is based on what they observe and perceive. Personnel in these departments should be equipped with the relevant skills needed to handle customers in these instances. Proper communication skills are an asset in both cases. A high unit cause is however realized. The voucher processing centre is also reliable to a great extent on the visibility aspect which will bring about similar implications as seen in both the call centre and prestige banking company. In the credit control department there is a time frame between production and delivery of the services to the customer. Low skills in customer handling are required and most of the process doesn’t really rely on the input of the staff. Higher unit costs are expected. Other similarities that can be noticed in all the four back office units are the fact that a ll operational processes make use of some form of technology. For all the operations, some form of telephone activity or computer related task is involved though to different variations and volumes. The voucher processing centre also incorporates encoding machines. All four back office units have response issues of some kind. These are either within the department or between one department and other. In other scenarios it also involves the customer who in most cases is the final recipient in the complete process. These four operational processes also forecast on demand, otherwise the performance objectives cease to be relevant. Measures are also put in place to monitor capacity and location concerns that directly affect the operations of the departments. These of course vary from one back office to another. for instance, the call centre doesn’t have to be near the customers calling in to handle their enquiries, but the â€Å"high net worth† subsidiary company has to pu t capacity and location in mind to be able to provide that personal touch it thrives on to maintain its clientele. All operations have both contractors who provide the products and services needed to be able to meet their objectives as well as customers who are the final recipients of the products and services after they have undergone the transformation process. In the For the call centre it is telephones and computers, whereas the credit control and voucher. All these back office operations also have planning and recruitment issues in relation to their activities and staff. Common sets of principles therefore apply only when the performance objectives of any given process are similar in respect to certain factors. The quality of services or products has to be even. Some services like the call centre are to all customers of the banking institution irrespective of the account you hold or how wealthy you are. The â€Å"high net worth† department on the other hand is for only t he rich clientele. Another factor is that the speed at which the services or products are delivered has to be at par. For some it is fast depending on the customer being attended to, while others it is slow. Dependability is another element. Some services are dependent on time, others facilities, staff or other resources. Flexibility should also be considered. Some processes follow a fixed routine and schedule while others can be manipulated with to suit the output required. Cost is a very important component as well because it is directly proportional to how productive a given process is and whether at the end of the day it was a worthwhile venture (Senge). To â€Å"fine tune† the improvement of business processes in relation to the operations the different skills and approaches that are probably being referred to are the â€Å"4vs†; volume, variety, variation in demand and visibilty as well as the common sets of principles. This is because if flexibility, quality, sp eed, dependabilty and cost are considered, the capturing, transformation and delivery of services ad products will be greatly improved because these factors greatly affect operation processes. Works Cited Ackoff, Russell. Ackoff Centre for Advancement of Systems Approaches, 2009. Web. Davenport, T. H. Process Innovation: Reengineering work through Information Technology, Harvard Business School Press, 1993. Deming, W. Edwards. The New Economics for industry, government and Education. Second Edition MIT Press, 1994. Jamshid, Gharajedaghi. Systems Thinking: Managing Chaos and Complexity A Platform for Designing Business Architecture. Elsevier Inc., 2006. Juran, J.M. Juran on quality by design. The Free Press, Division of Macmillan Inc., 1992. Ludwig, Bertalanffy. General Systems Theory George Braziller Inc., 1968. Senge, Peter M. The Fifth Discipline, The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization. Random House, 2006. This essay on Managing Process and Projects in ANLG was written and submitted by user Emersyn M. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The Internet, Teaching and Learning essays

The Internet, Teaching and Learning essays Using the internet for learning and teaching purposes can have benefits; however the disadvantages far outweigh the positives. The internet is not the effective tool that it appears to be, with many tertiary students finding difficulties associated with accessing and using this technology. The internet holds a wealth of information; however the quality of this information can be questionable. In addition to this, using the internet requires a certain amount of computer knowledge which students can find difficult to master and there are associated issues regarding accessing information and the related costs involved with using the internet. Students using the internet for study are also at risk of isolation due to the autonomous nature of external study. It is true that much information can be found by simply typing a few words into a search engine and pressing enter. Nevertheless, information can be uploaded to the internet without any scrutiny or evaluation from experts. Alternatively, information that is gathered from printed material will have been thoroughly examined and assessed by an authority on the subject before being published (MacDonald on the internet...anything goes, this means that the authenticity of the information on the internet must be questioned. Singh s more, using the internet promotes casual reading habits. Students who read in an informal manner are not engaging completely with the content, which can result in the production of a more casual writing style (Birkerts in Leibowitz 1999). Along with the issue of establishing the quality of information on the internet, there are difficulties associated with accessing the information in the first place. Acquiring information online requires using a computer with...

Friday, November 22, 2019

14 College Memes That Will Make You Laugh Through Tears

14 College Memes That Will Make You Laugh Through Tears Studying in college is something you can cry or laugh about. However, its better to choose the latter. Though college life can be really challenging at times, good sense of humor will defenitely help you to go through this difficult and yet amazing period of your life. Social media communities are full of funny memes created by college and high school students just like you. Some of them we previously published on our Facebook page. Heres the list of the most popular and hilarious memes about college life and challenges that our Facebook audience have found the most attractive. #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #14 P.S. If youd like to see more fun memes about college and high school, just click any of the listed images and visit our Facebook page. Well be glad to get more likes from you 🙂 Cover image credit: Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Injuries and losses during the 2012 Olympics Essay

Injuries and losses during the 2012 Olympics - Essay Example This essay discusses that since the Olympic site has been opened to visitors and athletes for ticket sales and athletes’ training, the persons at the site are presumed to be lawful visitors to the site. As a result the rights of the various athletes and visitors at the site, and the duty toward the safety of those lawfully at the site are covered by the Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957. By virtue of Section 2(1) of the 1957 Act, occupiers owe a â€Å"common duty of care to all his visitors† unless that duty is restricted or waived â€Å"by agreement or otherwise†. To this end it is first necessary to identify who is the occupier or occupiers of the Olympic site and thus who would be the possible defendants in a claim by the possible plaintiffs. An occupier is any person or official body or agent with control of the premises in question. It was also held in Wheat v E Lacon & Co. Ltd that it is possible for there to be more than a single occupier of a given pro perty. Thus an employee in sufficient control of the premises can be an occupier together with an employer and an owner. Moreover, the owner need not be present to incur liability for damages to a lawful visitor. Based on the definition of occupier, it would appear that liability is shared jointly and severally between the various ticket vendors, the employees operating the various facilities and the owners of the Olympic site. The extent of the duty of care is described by Section 2(2) of the 1957 Act. The duty is a duty to take reasonable precautions to render the premises â€Å"reasonably safe† for visitors who are lawfully on the premises.7 The duty is generally discharged by posting conspicuous warnings of any pending or possible dangers to the safety of visitors lawfully on the premises.8 A mere warning that an event on the premises is dangerous would be sufficient to discharge the statutory duty of care.9 However, there appears to be no warning signs posted and as a re sult, Peter’s injury is indefensible on the grounds that the various occupiers did not take precautions to warn the possible plaintiffs of the dangers associated with the use of the Olympic site. Some precautions were taken with respect to barricading the ticket queues, but those barricades ultimately collapsed so that the question is whether or not those precautions were sufficient to safeguard against the incident of collapse and the resulting injuries suffered by various visitors queuing up to purchase tickets. Therefore while barricading the ticket queues may have been a sufficient precaution or warning of the dangers of the crowds, the main question is whether or not the warning or precaution was sufficient to discharge the statutory duty of care.10 It would appear that the precautionary measures taken by the police were insufficient to safeguard against the risk of harm attending the large crowds queuing up for the purchase of tickets. Remoteness of Damages Causation wo uld be established by virtue of the fact that the occupiers of the Olympic site had a statutory duty to ensure that the safety of the visitors were provided for or that sufficient warning was provided to permit the visitors to remain safe. As established above, failure to discharge the statutory duty will amount to actionable negligence. However, if the defendants can demonstrate that damages sustained were not a

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Business Management Techniques (Manage work activities) Essay

Business Management Techniques (Manage work activities) - Essay Example ining an organizations objectives, establishing an overall strategy for achieving those objectives, and developing a comprehensive chain of command of plans to integrate and coordinate activities. The plan of action is, at one and the same time, the result predicted, the line of action to be followed, the stages to go through and the methods to be used. Organizing is the translation of goals and objectives into a structure of responsibilities and authority. To organize a business is to provide it with everything useful to its functioning- raw material, tools, capital, personnel’ (Fayol, 53). In other words it includes the determination of what tasks are to be done, which has to do them, how the tasks are to be grouped, who reports to whom, and where decisions are to be made. The engineering organization, having been formed, must be set going and this is the mission of command. This insures a successful process of the organization. A manager in command - knows his people, understands all agreements binding the firm, sets a good example, uses a meeting to focus efforts in a single direction, does not become occupied in minute details, and instills unity, energy, initiative and loyalty in the employees. Harmonizing is to integrate the actions of all aspects of the firm in order to increase the efficiency of the organization. To harmonize is to co-ordinate all the activities of concern so as to facilitate its working, and its success. Control consists in confirming everything takes place in conformity with the plan implemented, the directions issued and principles established. It also points out weakness and errors in order to rectify then and prevent recurrence. Typical operations that could be subjected to control, measured in order to monitor progress, included: Business Engineering Organization usually use flat organizational structure where their is hierarchy of authority and becomes easy for supervision, their is segregation of duties and every

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Math in Early Childhood Article Review Essay Example for Free

Math in Early Childhood Article Review Essay The purpose of this article was to explain the use and importance of programs such as the, â€Å"What’s the Big Idea† program instituted at the Bennington Library in Vermont. The â€Å"What’s the Big Idea† program aims to provide librarians with techniques and tools for introducing preschool and kindergarten students to science and math through literature. Picture books and stories are used a lot because stores are great conveyors to memorable messages about since and math. It also gives children the tools they need to be able to look at books and seek out math and science concepts and connections within the text. The program focuses on child directed and hands on explorations rather that adult directed instruction allowing the children to gain personal acts of discovery through play. â€Å"What’s the Big Idea† focuses on four main math and science concepts; numbers and operations, patterns and relationships, changes over time, and geometry and special sense. For each topic there are activities, projects, and books that correspond with the chosen topic. There are different activity centers that are also set up. Some are set up for large group and small group and some are set up for independent exploration. They offer things such as interactive graphs, geoboards, jars with small objects for sorting, blocks, and other manipulatives. Something new that I learned was that I didn’t know that libraries offered programs like that. I knew that had reading groups and programs but I didn’t realizes that there were also libraries that offered programs to also promote math and science concepts as well. I like how they use books first to gain an idea and then tie it into math and science by exploring the concepts in the story a little further to better their understanding not only of the story but of the math and/or science behind it. A way that I can see this information being useful in the future is to have programs like this available to all libraries nationwide. In the article it said that it started out in Vermont and spread to libraries in New York, Delaware, and Texas. With children having access to programs like this from the preschool level they will then enter kindergarten with a greater knowledge base and with deeper understanding of the math and science concepts that they will need for the rest of their lives.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Free College Essays - Optimism in The Stranger by Albert Camus :: The Stranger The Outsider

Optimism in Camus' The Stranger (The Outsider) The novel The Stranger by Albert Camus can be viewed from several different perspectives. Some people see this book as a "slap to the face" or an insult. Others, however, find the views expressed in this novel to be comforting and optimistic. Just as there are many different people in the world, there are many different interpretations and opinions surrounding this novel. I have found The Stranger to be a novel that is uplifting and reassuring and, therefore, wonderful . This novel is important, not because I subscribe to the views expressed in it, and not because many people do not, but — in my opinion — simply because every person should be exposed to the existentialist idea of living. Most people do not realize that their religion and, thus, many of their beliefs have been laid out for them by circumstance. They were born to Christian or Jewish or Buddhist parents and that is what they became. Simple. Far too simple for my liking. I often wonder how people can accept what they have not been able to discover for themselves. Religion has all the answers for people. If you are sad, look on the pages that deal with sadness. You will feel better. I would not feel better. I would feel like a mindless person, a slave to a way of perceiving life that I had no part in creating. I feel at home with the existentialists as they ask: â€Å"Why?". My question is, why must people refuse to come to their own conclusions? Why is it taboo to not embrace a "God" but embrace your mind instead? Why can we all not realize that we are alone, that we must find meaning in our lives because we are alive, not because someone or something wants us to live a certain way? As Camus puts it: â€Å"I opened myself to the gentle indifference of the world." Some people would find themselves naked in the kind of atmosphere that Camus writes about: a life where there is no set guideline and moreover, no reward for following a set guideline. Those are the people who need God in order to get out of bed each morning. Those are the people who might like to burn Camus' The Stranger. I can fully understand why people would hate this book if they were honest, God-fearing men and women.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Great expectations †review of three film versions Essay

In my English lessons I have been reading great expectations as part of my pro 1914-prose study, and have chosen to do my media assignment on film adaptations of the book. I will be comparing and contrasting the three film versions, David Leans 1945 film is the eldest version which is in black and white, the BBC serialisation and the latest BBC film version, and the original novel. I will structure my essay by writing about different areas of the adaptations e. g. soundtrack, first with similarities then differences between the versions. Sequencing: The sequencing of the opening scene of great expectations adaptations are all quite similar except the latest BBC adaptation, the David Lean and BBC serialisation have the same sequencing, book so it is unlike the 2 other film versions. The David Lean film and BBC serialisation have the sequencing almost of the book so tell the story in the same way as Charles Dickens did. While the David lean version is more compact due to time limitations and the BBC serialisations has more detail they both tell the same set of events in the same way. And only differ from the book in the very beginning where they show Pip the central character in the book running across the marshes to the church, where the book starts in the churchyard. The latest BBC version is very different form the book and two other adaptations in it’s sequencing, it starts with Pip running away from the convict across a wheat field, when the convict catches up with Pip in the graveyard, he asks no questions about his parents or where he lives like the book. It then switches straight to Pip running home across the marshes, when he arrives home events from the second chapter take place when the events of the first haven’t finished being explained. The rest of the sequences of the opening chapter take place as flashbacks while pips sleeping. Soundtrack: As with the sequencing the sound track for the latest BBC adaptation is very different to the other two versions as it has a different set of sequencing. The David lean version and BBC serialisations soundtrack are quite similar but the advances in technology makes the serialisation far more advanced than the older David lean version. The David Lean version soundtrack starts with the opening of the book being narrated by an older version of Pip as the younger version crosses the marshes. The BBC serialisation soundtrack is similar to the David Lean version as it begins with narration by an older version of pip as he crosses the marshes. And the latest BBC version soundtrack is very different to the other two, as it starts with quiet music and Pips heavy breathing and rustling as he is running away from the convict. The arrival of the convict is very similar in the David Lean version and BBC serialisation soundtrack with the same build up, whistling winds and creaking trees make up a tense atmosphere, which is shattered by the arrival of the Convict. This is very different in the Latest BBC version. The arrival of the Convict in the David Lean version soundtrack is marked by him grabbing Pip and Pip screaming, the convict then threatens Pip in the following dialogue. Then the convict turns him upside down a lot of rustling and jingling from the convict’s chain on his leg. The convict then demands items from Pip in the following dialogue while eating an apple and breathing heavily. At the end of the scene where Pip is running home across the marshes, the whistling winds from the graveyard are heard again. The arrival of the Convict in BBC serialisation soundtrack is different to the David Lean version you hear Pip trip and as he gets he catches sight of the convict and takes a surprised breath. The convict then moves toward him you can hear the chain on his leg jingle with every step he takes, he then talks to Pip. He shakes Pip lot’s of jingling and grunting, when he resumes dialogue with Pip he is eating a piece of bread. Just before the end of the scene the convict threats Pip speaking in a whisper, then walks of to bouncy music with his chain jingling. The Convict is introduced in the latest BBC version soundtrack by Pip falling with a thud, trying to hide breathing deeply. The Convict catches up breathing heavily and his chain jingling with his footsteps, as the Convict finds Pip, Pip lets out a scream then the convict say’s a short amount of dialogue. The David Lean and BBC serialisation soundtracks are quite similar but the Serialisation has the advantage of longer running time and detail and better technology, the only difference is the whistling wind at the end of the scene in the David Lean versions apposed to the bouncy music of the convicts departure in the BBC serialisation. The latest BBC version soundtrack is a far shorter and more condensed in the opening scene than the other two adaptations. Also large amounts of dialogue are missed out, even thought it befits from the best technology and methods out of the three adaptations it has the shortest and in my opinion worst soundtrack. Meise en scene: Meise en scene is French for what you can see such as characters, props and scenery. The main way to see the difference in the interpretation of the book in the adaptations is by what and how they present characters and locations on screen. As with the sequencing and sound tracking the David Lean version and BBC serialisation are very similar with few differences although the David Lean version is in black and white and the latest BBC version is very different to both of them. The David Lean version starts with the 1st page of Great Expectations opening then the rest of the pages blowing over. The BBC serialisation opens with some flowers on the book cover of Great Expectations wilting away, it is different to the David Lean opening but is clearly influenced by it. The latest BBC films different sequencing means different images appearing on screen at different time compared to the other two adaptations. It opens with Pip running through a golden wheat field, looking back over his shoulder, his face is dirty and his clothes are hard worn showing that he is a person of lower class in society. This is very different to the other two versions, which show the name of the film/book before the film begins. While the latest BBC version starts in the thick of the story. The appearance of the Convict is very similar in all three versions, which hold true to the book description ‘ A fearful man, all in course grey, with a great iron on his leg’. The David Lean version while holding true to the book description but makes the Convict more frightening to the audience than the other two versions, as it is limited to black and white to make an impact. The BBC serialisation shows the convict more as a worn out exhausted figure that is more likely to make audiences fell sorry for him than be frightened. He is truer to the description laid down in the book than the other to versions down the blackened face and rag tied around his head. The Convict in the latest BBC version is a cross between the two other versions he is more frightening in appearance than the BBC serialisation Convict, but less true to the books description and more detailed than the David Lean versions Convict. Conclusion: After watching and reviewing all three-film adaptations, I have decided in my opinion that the BBC serialisation is the best adaptation of the book. Because of the level of detail that tells the story as well and in the same fashion that made the book such a large success, I find it an excellent alternative or compliment to reading the novel.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Night Mother by Kurt Vonnegut

Mother Night What intrigued me the most when reading Mother Night, by Kurt Vonnegut, were the quotes. He says things in a way that really make you step back and think. You could almost tell this book??? ‚a„? s story by discussing some of the quotes. In Mother Night, apolitical expatriate American playwright Howard W. Campbell, Jr. refashions himself as a Nazi propagandist in order to pass coded messages on to the U. S. generals and preserve his marriage to a German woman??? ‚aâ‚ ¬? their "nation of two," as he calls it. But in serving multiple masters, Campbell ends up ruining his life and becoming an unwitting inspiration to bigots. quot;We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be. " Vonnegut introduces this as the moral of his book. "There are plenty of good reasons for fighting, but no good reason ever to hate without reservation, to imagine that God Almighty Himself hates with you, too. " It's never been more true: Left or right, Christian or Muslim, those convinced they're doing violence in service of a higher power and against an irretrievably inhuman enemy are the most dangerous creatures of all. But is Howard really such a bad man?All throughout reading the book, I would ask myself that question. No he doesn??? ‚a„? t seem to show much emotion, but doesn??? ‚a„? t that in a way seem understandable when you think about all he??? ‚a„? s done and seen? If he were to show emotion, he would go crazy. I know I would. Though he does seem to have a conscience, somehow, somewhere, deep down inside he is trapped. Trapped inside of the mess he??? ‚a„? s gotten himself into. I think he knows to that there is no way out, so he remains as this man he has pretended to be for so many years.Howard writes his story from a jail cell in old Jerusalem in 1961, while awaiting a fair trial for his war crimes by the republic of Israel. He is has a d ifferent guard for different parts of the day and night. One of them is Mengel. You are the only man I ever heard of,??? ‚N? Mengel says to me this morning, ??? ‚Nswho has a bad conscience about what he did in the war. Everybody else, no matter what he did, is sure a good man could not have acted in any other way.??? ‚N? ??? ‚NsWhat makes you think I have a bad conscience???? ‚N? I said. ??? ‚NsThe way you sleep, the way you dream,??? ‚N? e said. Howard tells Mengel about New York. ??? ‚Ns ??? ‚NsNew York must be Heaven,??? ‚N? said Mengel. ??? ‚NsIt might well be for you??? ‚N? , I said. ??? ‚NsIt was Hell for me,- or not Hell, something worse then Hell.??? ‚N? ??? ‚NsWhat could be worse then Hell???? ‚N? he said. ??? ‚NsPurgatory,??? ‚N? I said. ??? ‚Ns It??? ‚a„? s interesting that he says that, because that proves right there that Howard Campbell is very aware of the crimes he??? ‚a„? s committed, the difference between right and wrong, good and bad. He knows that he is there in that cell because he is paying the price.He must suffer for all that he has done. ??? ‚NsI was deposited on to the streets of New York, restored to the mainstream of life. I took several steps down the sidewalk when something happened. It was not guilt that froze me; I had taught myself never to feel guilt. It wasn't the fear of death; I had taught myself to think of death as a friend. It was not the thought of being unloved that froze me; I had taught myself to do without love. What froze me was the fact that I had absolutely no reason to move in any direction. What had made me move through so many dead and pointless years was curiosity.Now even that flickered out.??? ‚N? What a lonely life that must be, to feel you have nothing to live for. To know that all that has kept you going in the past was curiosity. Helga is dead, (or so he assumes) Resi is dead, the man he called his best friend had intentions of betraying him for so long, and now he is gone. People hate him, want to kill him, others think he is dead and are glad, and then there are those that admire him for all the terrible things he??? ‚a„? s done. Though he can??? ‚a„? t even seem to feel proud, because unlike so many others who committed such crimes as his, he is not a sociopath.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

James Wright and the Invention of Silly Putty

James Wright and the Invention of Silly Putty The plastic putty known as Silly Putty ®Ã‚  has been entertaining youngsters and providing them with innovative playtime since the 1940s. Its had an interesting history since then.   The Origins of Silly Putty ® James Wright, an engineer, discovered Silly Putty ®.  Just as with many awesome inventions, the discovery happened by accident.   Wright was working for the U.S. War Production Board at the time. He was charged with finding a substitute for synthetic rubber that wouldn’t cost the government an arm and a leg to produce. He mixed silicone oil with boric acid and found that the compound acted very much like rubber. It could rebound almost 25 percent higher than a normal rubber ball, and it was impervious to rot. Soft and malleable, it could stretch to many times its original length without tearing. Another of Silly Putty’s ® unique qualities was its ability to copy the image of any printed material it was pressed upon. Wright initially  called his discovery  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Nutty Putty.†Ã‚  The material was sold under the trade name Silly Putty ® in 1949 and it sold faster than any other toy in history, registering over $6 million in sales in the first year.   The Government Wasn’t Impressed Wright’s amazing Silly Putty ® never found a home with the U.S. government as a substitute for synthetic rubber. The government said it wasn’t a superior product. Tell that to millions of kids pressing globs of the stuff onto comic  pages,  lifting images of their favorite action heroes. Marketing consultant  Peter Hodgson didn’t agree with the government, either. Hodgson bought the production rights to Wrights bouncing putty and  is credited with changing the name of Nutty Putty to Silly Putty ®, introducing it to the  public at Easter, selling it inside plastic eggs. Silly Putty’s ® Practical Uses Silly Putty ® wasn’t initially marketed as a toy. In fact, it pretty much bombed at the 1950 International Toy Fair. Hodgson first intended  Silly Putty ® for an adult audience, billing it for its practical purposes.  But despite  its ignoble beginnings, Neiman-Marcus and Doubleday decided to go ahead and sell Silly Putty ® as a toy and it began to take off. When the  New Yorker  mentioned the stuff, sales bloomed – more than a quarter million orders were received within three days. Hodgson then reached his adult audience almost by accident. Parents soon discovered that not only could Silly Putty ® lift perfect images off comic pages, but it was pretty handy for pulling lint off of  fabric as well. It went to space with the Apollo 8 crew in 1968, where it proved effective at keeping objects in place in zero gravity. Binney Smith, Inc., creator of Crayola,  purchased Silly Putty ® after Hodgson’s death. The company claims that more than 300 million Silly Putty ® eggs have sold since 1950. The Composition of Silly Putty Although you probably don’t want to go to the trouble of whipping up a batch at home when you can simply buy some, the basic ingredients of  Silly Putty ®Ã‚  include: Dimethyl Siloxane: 65 percentSilica: 17 percentThixotrol ST: 9 percentPolydimethylsiloxane: 4 percentDecamethylcyclopentasiloxane: 1 percent  Glycerine: 1 percentTitanium Dioxide: 1 percent It’s a safe guess that Binney Smith aren’t divulging all their proprietary secrets, including the introduction of a wide array of  Silly Putty ®Ã‚  colors, some that even glow in the dark.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Anorexia Nervos A Type Of Eating Disorder Essay example -- Obesity, Body

Anorexia nervosa (AN) is a type of eating disorder characterized by intense fear of gaining weight (1). People with anorexia have a distorted body image, persistent preoccupation with thinness, excessive exercising, unwillingness to maintain minimal weight, and disturbed eating behaviours (1-2). The lifetime prevalence of AN is about 0.3 - 1.0% in women and 0.3% in men (3), with a peak age of onset at 13 to 18 years (4). The mortality rate of AN is reported to be higher than of any other psychiatric illness. Estimates show that around 10% of people with AN die within 10 years from the development of the condition (5). Two major subtypes of AN have been identified: eating/purging and restricting subtypes. Individuals with the eating/purging subtype maintain their low body weight by engaging in binge-eating and/or purging behaviours by misusing diuretics or laxatives, and induce vomiting. Those with the restricting subtype limit their food intake and exercise excessively (5). Anorexia affects both the body and the mind of the person. Although individuals lose a lot of weight, they still view themselves as fat, become preoccupied with food, and are socially withdrawn (5). Onset of AN starts as innocent dieting, but gradually gets out of control. Progressively, people become obsessively preoccupied with weight loss and limit the amount of food intake. Some individuals begin starving themselves and exercise excessively to become dangerously thin. Others lose weight by misusing laxatives, self-induced vomiting, diuretics or enemas. Severe cases on AN include suicide attempts and occur in about 20-30% of individuals (6). The suicide rates for women with AN is about 57 times higher than that for women of similar age in the gene... ... middle of paper ... ...alent and has serious psychological and medical consequences. These particular age groups are at a higher risk for developing AN, due to biological and sociocultural influences. In order to avoid long-term health problems, it is imperative that early signs associated with AN are recognised. Quick detection and vigorous treatment are needed to prevent medical complications and chronicity. Treatment interventions that focus on weight restoration, negative thought targeting, blame reduction, and actively integrate caregivers and families have emerged as particularly effective (25, 26). FBT and CBT are valuable parts of treatment, but no specific approach is superior to any other. While the evidence for treatment interventions continues to grow, families and physicians must work in collaboration to promote remission and to prevent relapses in patients diagnosed with AN.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Taoism a way of being or a way of becoming Essay

Taoism a way of being or a way of becoming - Essay Example Yang Chu's thought has traditionally been connected with Taoism and considered a development of the thought contained in the Tao Te Ching. Yet Mencius, who attacked the teachings of Yang Chu, never mentioned Lao Tzu in his works. Lao Tan, a wise old man who epitomized the ancient Tao, was aware of all the ancient rites held by Confucians to be the culmination of order and civilization. As it turned out, this man taught the virtues of softness and yielding, of ignorance and non-exertion, which did not quite harmonize with the Confucian enthusiasm for knowledge and form, for rites and fame. It also explained as to why Ssu-ma Ch'ien, a professed Confucian, fully aware that in his own time Taoism and Confucianism had developed into different, rival, schools, included the meeting of Lao Tzu and Confucius in both biographies. (Isabellee, 1997) The tradition that Confucius learned rites from Lao Tzu could have been perpetrated by the Confucians. Being historically minded, they had to show that their emphasis on ritual had deep roots in a venerated figure like Lao Tzu, the old master. In recent years a surge of academic interest in religious Taoism is witnessed towards its contribution to the development of Chinese science, and its rituals and practices like Girardot, Kaltenmark, Lagerwey and Welsh, etc. Though both are rooted in archaic Chinese religion, religious Taoism is a very different phenomenon from philosophical Taoism. Philosophical Taoism raised the ancient Chinese worldview to the level of thought. As a way of thinking it is clearly distinguishable from Confucianism, Mohism, Legalism, and other schools of thought in ancient China. Religious Taoism, on the other hand, is amorphous throughout its career. Tracing its roots to the practices of ancient shamans and diviners, as an organized religion it came into existence in the 2nd century A.D. The only indigenous religion of China which, incorporates in its development whatever enters the Chinese religious orbit. (Isabelle, 1997) It appropriated all the philosophical Taoist texts, including the Tao Te Chi ng and the Chuang Tzu, which become its sacred scriptures. But what are poetical musings and metaphysical reflections in these texts now become theory and dogma. Its most fervent search and promise are long life and immortality. While it reveres the author of the Tao Te Ching as its spiritual founder, it adopts the Yin-Yang and five-phase theory from the Yin Yang school, believes with Mo Tzu that heaven possesses conscious will, adopts Confucian ethics, and includes many Buddhist teachings and rituals. As a result the religious Taoist canon grew to thousands of volumes, for the study of all aspects of Chinese culture. Relationship between Taoism and Lao Tzu's Central Teaching The direct relationship between

Thursday, October 31, 2019

High-level and Low-level Languages Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

High-level and Low-level Languages - Essay Example The programming languages that are very similar to machine code (such as 0s and 1s) are acknowledged as low-level programming languages. Basically, in these languages the program instructions are written in binary form. In addition, low-level programming languages offer the programmer a high level control over hardware however they require a deep knowledge of the internal structure of the hardware to be used. These programming languages are not normally used by the programmers because it is very difficult to learn and understand them. High-level Languages The programming languages that are very similar to the human languages (e.g. like English language) are acknowledged as the high-level languages. The examples of high-level languages are FORTRAN, COBOL, BASIC, PASCAL, C++ etc. These languages are similar to the English language. In other words, it is relatively easy to understand the code written in high level programming languages. In these languages, program instructions are written using English words, for instance print, input, square etc. However, each high-level programming language has its own rules or grammar for writing program instructions. These rules are called syntax of the language. In addition, the program written in high-level language must be translated to machine code before they are executed on the computer. For this purpose, each high-level language has its own translator program, which converts the code of that source language into the computer understandable form. Advantages of High-Level Languages There are many advantages of high-level programming languages. Some of the most important advantages are outlined below: (ninja craze, 2012; Lee, 2000) Easy to Learn In view of the fact that the high level programming languages are similar to human languages thus they are very easy to learn as compared to low-level languages. The instructions written for the program are similar to English like statements. Easy to understand The program written in high-level language by one programmer can easily be understood by another programmer or person because the program instructions are similar to the English language statements. In this way, if a software application has been developed using a high level programming language can be modified by another programmer later on. Easy to write programs In a high-level languag

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Market target paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Market target - Research Paper Example Trademark is therefore a name that is much cherished and is given importance by the people who believe in high quality watches, which signify their rich taste and superior class – all represented duly by Trademark. The watch industry has been specifically catered to by giving the audience a taste of supreme class and rich elegance, which are some of the most renowned and sought after attributes that one looks in a watch. Fortunately for Trademark, the owners have always believed in all these finer aspects, and hence the reason that Trademark has been able to manifest its due role within the related scheme of things. The demographics for Trademark include the people who belong to different age segments. These have comprised of the middle class segments within the socio-economic realms as well as the elite class which believes staunchly in class and exuberance more than anything else. This is the reason why Trademark has been instrumental at creating a niche of its own, and is m uch renowned within the market. The brand is a hit within the people from these socio-economic domains, and is easily looked after by both the genders – males and females. It has been able to target people from the age of 18 years up to 75 years. Such is the diversity within the watches of Trademark that it has been able to represent high quality and rich taste amongst all concerned. Trademark’s owners know that they are selling on the quality tangent more than any other factor. This is the reason why Trademark is known to be a ‘killer’ watch amongst the competitors, because it is able to garner quite a lot of fame and recognition due to its sophistication and the value which it brings for its buyers. The people who wear the Trademark brand look famous in their own entirety, and are hailed by people who are near and dear to them. The brand signifies that the person believes in quality and wants to look good within the people where he hangs out or goes (Swe nson 1990). As far as the showroom of Trademark is concerned, it should be opened at such a place where the target audience has ease of visiting the same. They should feel pride in visiting a showroom which is close to their affinity levels. It must represent their likeliness for the area and should most definitely be a suburb within the upscale localities of the city. There must be a proper parking spot dedicated for the people who visit this showroom because the Trademark brand means quality for its buyers, and this can only be manifested by giving them a complete 360 degree package more than anything else. Trademark’s showroom should be at such a location where there is ample room for other showrooms and shops as well. However this could be a bit of an advantage if these showrooms and shops are not selling watches just like the Trademark brand. The exclusivity must come with a price, which indeed Trademark is charging through its customers. The brand has been able to give the best value to its buyers through unique selling models and packages which are tailored to look after the needs and aspirations of the people who wish to buy Trademark for their own selves, family members and friends. It is very important to ascertain what the customer really wants. He requires that the brand should give him the confidence that when he wants to go

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Logistics Strategy For Brewery Industry Commerce Essay

The Logistics Strategy For Brewery Industry Commerce Essay There was a survey on distribution costs by institute of Logistics and Distribution Management in 1992. In this survey, it was recorded that 50% of the distribution costs are occurred in food and tobacco industry and therefore a careful planning is required to control these costs (Institute of Logistics and Distribution Management, 1991/92). These costs can be controlled by effective logistics management and logistics strategy. As far as brewery industry is concerned, a lot of distribution costs are incurred in transportation and logistics and to be a viable concern the brewery industry needs to implement a strong logistics strategy to overcome this problem. In our discussion, we will try to discuss the basic routing problems and vehicle scheduling and then we will try to design a strong logistics strategy to overcome this problem. Brewery Industry in UK is no more a piece of cake now. The market is now saturated and to be a successful market leader a brewery company needs to bring down its costs. The basic routing problem which a brewery industry faces is Selecting the best way or route available to deliver goods to the final consumers. The basic scheduling problem is Selecting the best time available to reach target customers. These problems are incurred whenever there are there is a complexity in the marketing channel system of an organization. The more complex the system, the more complicated the routing and scheduling problems in the logistics management. In our discussion below, we will try to review the strategies followed by a brewery industry and will make an attempt to recommend a valid logistics strategy in the context of UK Market. Analysis of a UK based brewerys current strategic position from a logistics perspective and Critical assessment of available opportunities to develop existing logistics capabilities. An Example of Scottish and New Castle plc: Scottish and New Castle plc is one of the largest UK based brewery groups. This group enjoys a strong financial back plus a pie of giant sales in the UK. The company has well defined market logistics systems and can easily have a competitive edge due to its systematic and professional operations. The Companys main operational parameters are: First the orders from the customers are collected on a telesales system which is also computerized. Then orders are manually punched to the companys main database and further screening is done over there such as credit limits and stocks available. Emergency orders are only accepted after estimating the order lead time for better customer service. They use heavy goods vehicles to transfer the bulk of goods at a time. This approach leads to lower costs and also opportunity cost of time. In case of customer claims a proper back hauling strategy is there to overcome the problem of customer churns and lower costs. The drivers and other crew members are paid properly which are involved in the distribution process. Despite of such a well managed system, there are some problems which need to be reviewed and addressed strategically. More Order to payment cycle Customer Privacy The streets in UK are mostly one way. There are certain government regulations in terms of weight limits. Inappropriate size of order shipments is there The need for a better computerized and technology management system. Drivers are strict to work for 9 hours despite the fact that it is a tough job. (Peter G. Eibl, Roddy Mackenzie, David B. Kidner, 1994) We can review these problems are opportunities which needs to address for a strong and loyal customer base. It is important to note here that business needs to focus on the customer and should have a broad definition of market for a strong and loyal customer base. The main threats to business problem and a source of missed market opportunities is the weak focus on the customer and competition. It is a habit of the market leaders to be strong and have a strong focus on market. These market leaders do not only focus on satisfying current consumer needs but also to see the needs of customers which no one is addressing. As a reason, they enjoy a sound profit and strong and loyal customer base (Roger J Best, 2008). Keeping the above views in mind, we can analyze as a beer manufacturing company, we need to analyze the untapped portion of the market and should need to implement such a logistics strategy to overcome over problem. It is important to note that this company has an experience of computerized vehicle routing and scheduling system. At first the company planned to use the computerized system in 1970, but due to less development in technology and some other constraints it was difficult to achieve this objective. An initial system was developed but it was difficult for the company to meet the demands of the customer appropriately and the cost of technology dropped in the British Market. This also led to the opportunity Technological Advancement. The Scottish and New Castle successfully gained advantage from this opportunity, adopted a computerized logistics management system and it is the secret of its success today in the UK Market (Peter G. Eibl, Roddy Mackenzie, David B. Kidner, 1994). Despite all the above conditions, the company enjoys a sound competitive and strategic position in the market and now we will see that how can we maximize these opportunities to overcome the problem. Since now we are talking about the scenario of 1991, the challenges which a brewery company faces in UK environment are nearly the same today for example they need to improve their logistics for better customer service and in this sense there is an opportunity for a brewing company to address this customer need to through proper routing and scheduling for customer convenience. According to the latest trends in brewery industry: There is more growth than before Competitive Turbulence Growth of Local companies competing the giants Extra Capacity and proper logistics and inventory management are the drivers of success and market leadership Economic Conditions have hit the beer market There is a new trend of mergers and acquisitions. (Society of Independent Brewers, Local Brewing Industry Report, 2009) If we analyze the Scottish and New Castle plc with respect to above trends in brewery industry then it is easy to find that we need an effective logistics management system to control over costs. We need to fully implement the Systems Concept and Total Costs Concept for designing a successful logistics strategy. All the above problems are actually opportunities available in the market. Evaluation of the key strategic approaches to logistics management that could be used by a UK based brewery: Strategic and Rational Logistics Planning for Scottish and New Castle plc: In the case of Scottish and New Castle plc, a lot of strategic planning and tactical approaches could be used for designing and strong logistics strategy. A proper an appropriate route planning must be done. In terms of longer routes some special incentives must be given to the drivers and the staff involved in logistics and operations. Unnecessary routes must be avoided to overcome this problem because the reason for that is they will cause costs higher. Using different vehicles to transfer goods to customers also incurs unnecessary costs. Using proper vehicles to deliver goods at the receiving facilities of consumers is a good approach to control the costs. It is also important to note here that all of our methodologies circle around costs. Only those logistics strategy will be successful which will Reduce Costs Provide Customer Convenience Inventory Management Integrated Order Processing. We will try to shape a logistics management strategy in the following scenarios: Fulfillment Management: First of all we need to plan about how to effectively deliver goods to the final consumers. Then we can decide about the best available options such as trucks or small vans to deliver goods to final consumers. As far as UK is less short of two way roads and most of the roads are one way. Therefore we could use larger trucks to deliver goods and services to final consumers. Secondly, It is important to analyze that would these transportation mediums will save us money or not. Extra shipments and lower order sizes of Scottish and New Castle plc will automatically cause extra burden to consumers. There should be a proper documentation and record keeping of transportation and distribution for future referencing and monitoring logistics costs. A proper warehousing system must be developed to ensure proper logistics management. For example, the warehouses must be located at a place near the marketing channels for quick transportation and costs. Small order sizes and uneven orders can ruin the distribution costs. A proper packaging technique must be used to store beer bottles for proper utilization of space and proper distribution of goods. Supply Chain Management: Proper customer service and inventory planning must be done in beer industry because the market is now at its maturity with more competitors and sophisticated customers. Some Master Production plans must be done for logistics management. Beer Industry in UK contains both price conscious and quality conscious customers therefore proper market segmentation and positioning is required by this brewery company. Most of the products fail in market because of their supply. An opportunity for Scottish and New Castle is to make their products widely available for strong consumer response. Effective reverse logistics system can be developed for better customer service. Demand Management: In order to effectively distribute goods to final consumers a proper demand forecasting must be done for cost effective delivery measures and options. Some time larger and excessive production leads to extra costs and are an additional burden over the company. On the other side an underproduction also leads to lose of customers. The consumers find value only in that product which is available easily. We can take help for demand management from our channel intermediaries as well. Channel Intermediaries for Scottish and New Castle plc can provide useful insights about the demand and tastes of consumers. In short we need a consumer point view while deciding about the routes and schedule for distribution of goods and services. In beer industry at UK, we can perform some research and development to reach the end consumers for a loyal customer base. We can redefine our routes by doing some research on what consumers want? (The Above Model was derived from E is for Excellence Leadership in Logistics By Heather Cartwright, PMP, P.Log. as published in LQ Magazine Spring 2004) Technology as a source of Advantage for Scottish and New Castle plc: As we discussed above that the company has already an experience in technology and technology by the company. It is an era of technology. The company had an experience of collecting orders through telesales and then manually entering the orders in a database. This is an era of technology. For proper order to payment cycle, one recommendation we would like to discuss here is that Scottish and New Castle has not yet developed an online system through internet on which the customers can place their orders. This strategy will help us to attract more and more customers and may definitely decrease order to payment cycle which is one of the costly areas of logistics management. Most of the beer customers today are youngsters and these youngsters use internet more than the people of other ages. Useful insights about the industry from consumer point of view can also be gained by collecting feedbacks from customers. Consumers today love to buy online because they are now more sophisticated and require more information. An online website works as a sales man. We do not need to hire separate professionals. Coming online will automatically a source of competitive advantage for the Scottish and New Castle plc because no one is addressing consumers through this medium of distribution in UK. Identifying the management issues caused by implementing a new logistics strategy with consideration for available capital, technical and human resources: Available Capital: The first problem that will arise from adopting this strategy is that we need to spend a lot in measuring consumer preferences and perceptions about logistics. This thing can cause problems of costing in the short run. For example, redesigning vehicle routes and scheduling is a very daunting task and we need to change our structure fully if we want to implement this strategy. More over we will need to purchase some new technological solutions if we want to do effective and computerized scheduling and routing of goods. Paying drivers more incentives will lead to higher costs and is an extra burden on the firm costs. The management will need to change the allocated overhead costs and new planning with a new allocation of capital overheads will create obstacles for the management to adopt this policy. But if we see the other side of the road then this addition is capital required will lead us profitability in the beer market. For example, by analyzing consumer tastes and preferences will lead to proper scheduling and routing of goods. Customer will be satisfied and it will help the Scottish and New Castle to capture more and more market share. Technical: We require more and more technical professionals in beer industry to operate the latest technological equipment for our professionals. While selecting technology it is important to note that technology must be compatible with the organizational structure and culture otherwise it would become a threat. Moreover while selecting technology, it is important to note that we need it should be sustainable for example it is difficult for the competitors to copy it. Technology is always costly. Apparently from management perspective, it seems that by adopting the new technology will lead us to higher costs rather the control of costs and quality in beer industry. But if we see the other side of picture then we can analyze that using technology will easily help to gain higher profits and better logistics management. For example, by hiring technological professionals will increase the management skills and expertise for Scottish and New Castle plc. We already had an experience in technology since 1970, as we have seen above; we can experience and use technology in different dimensions. Moreover, there is no compatibility issue of adopting the computerized technology for logistics management as we are already using a telesales system to record customer orders. Some new techniques like RFID or Electronic Data interchange must be used in technology which can easily enable us to track where a product is at this time in the marketing channel. Going online has tremendous advantages. We can be successful because there is a dramatic increase in online shoppers. No one is serving customers online. Going online will reduce the order to payment cycle with better customer service. It will also save us money for hiring extra professionals for customer dealing and service. Human Resources: Management concerns about the change in strategy would be they need to hire more and more professionals to manage their operations. For example for redesigning logistics strategy we need to hire a professional leader for research and development. Moreover, paying the logistics staff more benefits will lead to again more costs. Therefore, what is the benefit for adopting a new logistics strategy? But on the other side of river, we will earn revenues in a long run. For example, a logistics strategy will produce more and more customers and simply our revenues will increase. Therefore by hiring more and more professionals such as drivers, computer professionals will lead to more profitability and these costs were cover up in a very small time. Human Resources are the most important assets of any organization. By paying them more incentives will lead to more employee motivation and loyalty. Motivated employees are more valuable than golden nuggets for any organization. This motivated staff can be further trained to use the best available route and proper scheduling for reaching our logistics goals. Employees interact with our customers. Therefore by facilitating logistics employees will lead to very fruitful results in the future. Outlining the strategic significance of new technology developments and business trends on future logistic strategies for a beer manufacturer: Adapting new technology will open new dimensions for logistics management for a beer manufacturer like Scottish and New Castle plc. Some of them are discussed below: Using a computer or professional software and database of vehicle routing and scheduling will open new dimensions for logistics management. We will have a lot of savings than we are saving manually. For example by using RFID or EDI may it is costly for a beer manufacture to manage operations but we will have better inventory tracking and logistics management According to the recent trends in the market. Almost all the companies are now on web for reaching target customers. Moreover the number of online shoppers is increasing day by day. No one in the beer industry is serving the market online in UK. I think it is an untapped portion of the market and this portion can be tapped by going online. Selling goods to customer online will not only lower the costs of distribution but also but also reduce order to payment cycle. It is easy for customers to gather information from the web. Now the consumption patterns of the consumers have changed. Now the consumer is more sophisticated and more aware of its needs. In the past, there was trend the man earned and woman played the role of house keeper. But now there is blurring gender roles as the number of working women are increasing. Moreover there is poverty of time for consumers. In this case, while defining a logistics strategy, we should keep these things in our mind. (Management Review : Market and Strategy, 2009) Now due to competitive turbulence, we need to have a first mover advantage. People buy only those products which are most readily available and which they do not need to search for. In beer market, it would be really a strong strategy to gain a first movers advantage. This first movers advantage can be achieved by proper logistics strategy and inventory management. Conclusion: In our discussion, we have taken our point of discussion as Scottish and New Castle Inc as our point of discussion and as an example of how to adopt a successful logistics strategy in the beer market of UK. We have seen that there are a lot of opportunities available such as technology for developing and establishing a competitive advantage in the market. All these are simple measures but these simple measures can do a lot for us. For example, it can provide us better cost savings and better customer base. It can also provide us convenience in operations. Beer Industry is a food industry and according to research above that there are a lot of expenses in the logistics of food rather than any other product. Keeping the above strategy in mind, we can easily improve our logistics operations in the beer industry. But we also need to implement the continuous process improvement.